Key Projects

From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, our comprehensive services can help your respective organization thrive.

  • Project Title: Action on Climate Today - PACT Tool for Climate Mitigation / Resilience.

    Client: DFID & Oxford Policy Management.

    Description: This project consisted of Planning for Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture, Energy, Irrigation, and Planning and Development Departments,Government of Punjab.
    Key Outputs:

    Coordination with key stakeholders for Project Preparation for Climate Action Today (ACT)
    Training to the government department on Climate Risk Proofing for Infrastructure Projects in Punjab
    Excel and Web based Tool designed and developed for Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience for Punjab Government:
    Planning & Development Department;
    Agriculture Department;
    Energy Department;
    Irrigation Department.

  • Project Title: Strategic Support for Energy Efficiency in Pakistan.

    Client: The World Bank Group (WBG)

    Description: Assisted National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) and the World Bank in review of international experience with Demand Side Energy Efficiency (DSEE) deployment programs, knowledge exchange on DSEE with key stakeholders, preparation of detailed Business Plan for NEECA, covering the first three years of its operations and designed a programmatic series of investments in DSEE in the country.
    Key Outputs:

    Mapping of current and planned Government and Donor initiatives focusing on EE.
    Support in development and preparation of certain aspects of detail Business Plan.
    Designed a programmatic series of investment in DSEE for Pakistan.

  • Project Title: Pakistan’s Second National Communication Report.
    Client: Ministry of Climate Change & NEECA.

    Description: This short-term project included the preparation of Mitigation Analysis Chapter of Pakistan’s Second National Communication Report. This chapter consisted of seven major sectors including energy, agriculture, industry, transport, buildings, solid waste management and forestry. Prudence core team members also contributed in the revision, editorial and launch of final report as well.
    Key Outputs:
    Analyzed Pakistan’s NDC focusing on mitigation through energy efficiency and conducting impact analysis of designed programs towards achieving NDC targets.
    Mitigation Analysis Chapter of Pakistan’s Second National Communication Report.
    In collaboration with MOCC and NEECA provided trainings to different stakeholders.
    The draft was reviewed through consultations and draft Second National Communication Report Updated.

  • Project Title: Greening China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
    Client: UNDP.

    Description: The study covers the review of the planned, pipeline and ongoing projects of infrastructure and those within the Special Economic Zones, from the perspective of environmental risks and identifies environmental costs associated with these projects. The study proposed environmental risk mitigation and adaptation interventions with the objective to make green the CPEC investments and industrial cooperation. It proposed how much environmental risk and costs could be integrated and reflected in the feasibility study of CPEC (Infrastructure) projects.
    Key Outputs:
    Policy and regulatory framework/matrix for greening the CPEC
    Review of policy and regulatory framework related to environmental / climate risk assessment
    Assessment of the implementation status of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) frameworks

  • Project Title: Economic Corridor Development – Energy Program
    Client: Asian Development Bank.

    Description: This project focused on Pakistan’s power sector tariff. The objective of the assignment was to develop and implement an analytical tool to analyze different scenarios (optimal and full-cost recovery tariff etc.) and presenting policy recommendations based on the scenario analysis in the form of a policy paper.
    Key Outputs:
    Detailed sector assessment of the energy sector of Pakistan in the context of economic corridor development and PPPs opportunities.
    Evaluation of Pakistan’s Power Sector Tariff to develop an analytical tool to examine different tariff scenarios.
    Advice on energy-related aspect of DFID-funded PECP projects, including supporting PPPs and infrastructure financing at Punjab, Sindh and Federal level.

  • Project Title: Pakistan’s National Action Plan- Sustainable Energy for All- 2030
    Client: UNDP & Planning Commission of Pakistan.

    Description: This was a national level assignment. It consisted of a detailed national action plan with three specific targets in recognition of the critical need to improve the access to sustainable, affordable and environmentally sound energy services and resources. Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) was global Initiative with the goal of engineering an energy transition to ensure that everyone has access to clean and affordable energy by 2030.

    Ensure universal access to modern energy services;
    Doubling of global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.
    Doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

    Key Outputs:
    Pakistan’s National Action Plan- SE4ALL
    Pakistan National Investment Prospectus for SE4All
    Region focused Policy Briefs Prepared.

  • Project Title: Energy Sector "Investment Perspective"
    Client: UNDP & Planning Commission of Pakistan

    Description: This project was subsidiary of SE4All National Action Plan to identify the priority projects and resource availability to implement this action plan. Investment Prospectus categorized the projects to attract foreign direct investment in the energy sector based on net present value and positive returns on these investments.

    Key Outputs: Investment Perspective-2030 for:
    Energy Access Project.
    Renewable Energy Projects.
    Energy Efficiency Projects.

  • Project Title: Carbon Pricing Mechanisms in Pakistan.
    Client: IGES & MOCC.

    Description: This project was designed to determine the most appropriate and beneficial carbon pricing instrument for Pakistan. The assignment focused on Carbon pricing instruments to help guide the economy towards a sustainable low carbon future and, therefore, support the achievement of NDC targets. This was exploratory research and new in the context of Pakistan

    Key Outputs:
    National Policy and Regulatory Instrument for Carbon Pricing in Pakistan

  • Project Title: Climate Change Strategy- District Layyah.
    Client: Oxfam & Prime.

    Description: This project consisted of a comprehensive list of mitigation and adaption strategies to deal with climate Change in specific context of District Layyah. This Strategy focused on Agriculture, Livestock and Water Sector due to ground realties of District Layyah. The cropping patterns, preserving the indigenous crop varieties and environment protection are the major intervention discussed in this strategy.

    Key Outputs:
    Climate Change Resilience Strategy District Layyah.
    Rapid Need Assessment Report of Agriculture Sector in District Layyah.


  • Project Title: Climate Change Strategy- District Layyah.
    Client: Oxfam & Prime.

    Description: This project consisted of a comprehensive list of mitigation and adaption strategies to deal with climate Change in specific context of District Layyah. This Strategy focused on Agriculture, Livestock and Water Sector due to ground realties of District Layyah. The cropping patterns, preserving the indigenous crop varieties and environment protection are the major intervention discussed in this strategy.

    Key Outputs:
    Climate Change Resilience Strategy District Layyah.
    Rapid Need Assessment Report of Agriculture Sector in District Layyah.


  • Project Title: Energy Sector Reforms Programme.
    Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency & Ministry of Finance.

    Description: Coordination with Ministry of Water and Power, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (MPNR), Ministry of Finance (Economic Reform Unit), National Electricity Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), Planning Commission as well as other development partners such as Asian Development Bank (ADB), JICA, USAID and World Bank Group. Review of process of privatization of DISCOs program and Least Cost Transmission and Generation Plan in collaboration with JICA.

    Key Outputs:
    Quarterly reports for Energy Sector Reforms and updating the Policy Matrix agreed under Development Policy Credits.
    Delivered MPNR quarterly report for last quarter and also developed monitoring mechanism through Management Information System for power sector “planned capacity additions”.

    Coordination reports with AEDB and NEPRA on regulation and policies, setting upfront tariff, developing policy and regulatory framework.

  • Project Title: Economics of Solar Powered Irrigation Pump use in India.
    Client: Asian Development Bank.

    Description: The project was an assessment of investment of Power Irrigation subsidy on Solar Irrigation pumps in India. On the basis of technical, financial and economic feasibility the recommendations were presented on ADB Public Forum.

    Key Outputs:
    Assessment of switching of power irrigation subsidy to invest on Solar Irrigation pump.

  • Project Title: Support to the Planning Commission on Growth Policy.
    Client: DFID.
    Description: The intellectual backstopping and technical research services provided for the “Support to the Planning Commission on Growth Policy”, a project for national-level consultation and orientation for the New Growth Framework developed by the Planning Commission of Pakistan, with financial support from DFID, Pakistan.

    Key Outputs:
    Support on New Grow Framework on various chapters.

  • Project Title: Sustainable Livelihoods – Reforming the Microfinance.
    Client: Sungi Foundation.

    Description: Conceptualized, designed and executed a full-fledged reform process at Sungi Development foundation Pakistan. In pre-reforms era, Microfinance program of Sungi had higher non-performing loans and has almost collapsed. But today as a result of successful reforms process, it is financially and operationally sustainable. This program won the Social performance task force Silver Award and today it is recognized as one of most viable women empowerment program in South Asia.
    Key Outputs:
    Reform programme designed and operationalized.

  • Project Title: Regional Network for Collaborative Research on South Asia Tax Systems.
    Client: IDRC

    Description: Supported International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada in establishing a regional network for Collaborative Research on South Asia Tax Systems, which includes the membership of 15 think-tanks and research institutes based in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, USA and Canada. Also facilitated in organizing the inaugural Workshop for this network, held in 2014 in Singapore.
    Key Outputs:
    Successfully designed a five year tax policy and enterprise development programme for South Asia.

  • Project Title: Supporting the Implementation of the Citizen Participation.
    Client: Devolution Trust for Community Empowerment (DTCE).

    Description: Supported the implementation of the citizen participation elements within the devolution reform underway in Pakistan since 2001. In addition to UNDP, it has the support of bilateral donors such as SDC, Norad, and DFID.
    Key Outputs:
    Provided policy analysis and advice on structural and functional local government issues related to Citizen Community Boards (CCBs), most notably, the ‘Exclusive Classification of Schemes’ as contemplated in the Local Government Ordinance 2001.
    Designed and executed a national field survey of 61 local government officials, and 75 local community leaders in 8 program districts concerning incentive systems for performance management.
    Piloted the ‘Police Welfare and Community Partnership Initiative’ including a baseline survey of self-perceptions and public opinions of police performance in Narowal.
    Developed a process manual for Information, Monitoring and Evaluation (IME) systems of DTCE.
    Drafted the Annual Progress Report 2010 for the Devolution Trust for Community Empowerment (DTCE).

  • Project Title: Web Based Accreditation System.
    Client: Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan.

    Description: This project was designed to facilitate the HEC by providing a web platform for the ease of accreditation system required for different institutions in order to ensure the quality of programs offered across the Universities.
    Key Outputs:
    Designed a web portal having different modules including field audit reports and similarly students and faculty information of the respective institution.